Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Coragon Havencrest

A [;ayer character that is not me but by every means even more important is Coragon Havencrest. If not for him there would be no Alliance involvement in the Vile Intentions mega plot, so it;s only right and fitting that he shoudl have a major role in one of my films. Watch out for him in the music video that celebrates the 5th anniversary of Vile Intentions and it's major characters.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Belarana Ashenfar

The Circle of the Sun and the Ashenfar family have their role to play, though a relativity minor role in the three minuite movie, Belerana will be making an appearance, even so she is slated to have a more proactive role as the Third movie's heroine in the final conflict between Light and Shadow. Though what that outcome entails remains under wraps. Her's is not so much a tragic story as it is one of hope. Being pitted against one's own father can't be an easy destiny to face, and yet it's one she doesn't flinch from. I will be animating a short combat scene between Ashenfar and Belarana atop Zeramas just for the fun of it soon, so I can get a good idea of how the final battle will ensue. And don't worry you will get to see it, maybe in the music video I am working on

Saturday, April 10, 2010

The Confrontation

The most exciting part of the short film "I will not submit" is the the confrontation between the two Ashenfars. The old Cham Ashenfar and the New Ashenfar, good and evil in constant inner war with each other. For over a year now, the Evil Ashenfar has run amock and without the leah that was one holding him back, but as events come to a conclusion, he must face up to his ultimate destiny, which he constantly fights against. His old good self will not let go, and this film pits the two together in a conflict that will change the future not only of themeslves but those who have come to know them both.

Cham's ghost was a difficult project to get right but eventually I managed to pull it off, and I hope to pull it off to great effect when the film is finally complete.

Friday, April 9, 2010

Zeramas and the throne of shadows

The more I build this scene the more excited I get. Zeramas has long been the domain of the Orphans of Shadow and the main source of Ashenfar's life force since his descent into the shadows. The Necropolis itself was too small to give the effect required, so I cheated a little and took my source object from the Archeus Necropilis. It has a lot of character and macabre charm about it that just adds so much the film. I subdivided the model to give it a more organic look and didn't add too much lighting to the scene so as not to over power it. Suffice to Say, now that Ashenfar has his trademark eyepatch, a great deal of menence has been added to the film and I think from this screen shot you may well agree.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Scenery test

You'll have to forgive the lighting in this test render but I wanted to share with you the level of detail I am putting into "I will not succumb!!". I hope you like this little render 

I will not subccumb

It's been a while hasn't it? Well there have been a few hicups, my computer urned in a fire, a recent robbery, but I am back on track. I am still working on the full movies, but for now I am working on a few smaller projects for the Orphans of Shadow and two Alliance guilds. But first I need to complete the three minute movie "I will not succumb!!" preludingthe final days of The Ashenfar. Yes folks his story on Earthen Ring is coming to a close and all the answers behind who and what he really is will come to fruition very soon. The movie is a simple affair, set in Zeramas where Ashenfar comes face to face with his predecessor , Cham Ashenfar who godes his evil counterpart about running away from his true destiny. It's going o be a powerful emotional piece wand will be ready in 4 weeks (less if things go as well as they seem). Above is a small screen capture from the short film, which will give you an idea as to what to expect. (yes I know I forgot the eyepatch, but that will be remedied).

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Creating the Ashenfar

Quicker than I expected. I modelled, topolized and created the basic set up for the Death Knight armor in less than a week. I'll be doing soem test rigging before I texture, add fur, glows and displacement/UV maps to see how it works, so far so good me thinks. The real challenge though will come with the more human models. I hope you like it so far.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Creating a Villain

The challenge for any story set in an already established story is to make sure the chain of events not only corrospond with the historical events of fictional lore, but the timelines fit in as well. The first film is by far the most challenging, covering Cham's birth through his unorthodox induction to the Sentinals of Aessina through to his role in the The Battle of Mount Hyjal. Ravenstien by this point is still a mindless ghoul under the command of the Lich King and Archimodes and is by no means a considerble force to be reckoned with, so Cham and his allies must contend with something different, so I decided to make a new villainess for the first film, a fallen Night Elf come acolyte of Archimondes, Delena Shadowcall (who's name will play a major role in the trilogy). Sowing the seeds of mstrust between the Alliance and the Horde, the Sentinals of Aessina find themselves having to amass an army to fight hidden enemy in the midst of a an even greater war engulfing Azeroth. Delena is the ace in Archimondes deck, and is equal in power to the Lich King, having amassed an army of Naga and Fallen Highborne under her will. Her heart so full of hate for her exile from Ashenvale and the Sentinals of Aessina, Delelna will stop at nothing to see the forest of Ashenvale, she once vowed to protect, burn in an eternal hell fire, as promised by her masters, with her as queen over the cursed land.

The rise and fall of a Champion

The Story of Cham Ashenfar is told from the perspective of the Death Knight Ashenfar, the Champion of the Shadows. Creating the villain of the story who is also the hero is an exciting prospect and told extreamly well in the Warcraft lore, from Nerzhul, to Medivh, from Arthas to the Lich King, the Orc's of the Burning Legion to the Orcs of the Savage Horde. The entire world is full of the corruption of heroes and the redemption of the most vile villains. But such falls are not merely a turn to the dark side, but carefully laid out tapestries that detail every detail of the hero's fall from grace. This is no simple choice, but a raging torrent of events and choices that culminate in the character's fall from grace. Cham Ashenfar is no different, but the choices he makes are not what one would consider the fall of a hero, but should have raised him as a true martyr and hero of the war of Shadow. It turns out that even his ultimate sacrifice was little more than a piece in the puzzle that defines his ultimate demise. Where as Arthas made his choice to ally himself with the Scourge in order to "save" his land, Cham's is more a tale of a destiny he could never escape. The difference between the tragedy of Arthas and the Tragedy of Cham Ashenfar is that one had a choice, the other did not.

Creating the villain of the piece is always fun, Ravenstien is next on the characters to be built, but Ashenfar is close to my heart (he ought to be I play him in the game). I wanted to do something more with the charcter than a simple Death Knight Tauren. Everything about had to exemplfy his dedication to total evil. I sharpened his teeth to razor teeth, to show his monstrous transformation from nature loving Cham to demonic Ashenfar. His one working will glow a papable sickly green, and his wounded eye will ooze green blood and wriggle and writhe with a maggot infested wound. His fur will be darker than his previous self, with a slighty sickly steam faintly glowing around him, and his stature and armor will exemplfy an overwhelming demonic stature, only the darkest champions can portray. Very much inspired by the Chaos Space Marines of Warhammer 40k, Ashanfar will be portrayed as a Shadow Lord to be feared.

I am currently working on short Machinima movie to storyboard the first 5 minuites of the film, which will set the tone for the trilogy.